Auto-scrolling Text رمضان کے ماہ کی روشنی میں، دار الشفقت یتیم خانہ آپ کے زکوۃ اور امداد کا استقبال کرتا ہے                        رمضان کے ماہ کی روشنی میں، دار الشفقت یتیم خانہ آپ کے زکوۃ اور امداد کا استقبال کرتا ہے                        

Khawateen College

About Us

Himayat-e-Islam Khawateen College

The College has moved a great deal with time. Now it offers I.CS, I.Com and B.Com Programmes as well as the students enjoy the facilities of most modern and well equipped science and computer labs. Efficient and professional laboratory staff is present to assist the students. This is the only college facilitating its students to get special training in mannerism and Spoken English while doing F.A, F.Sc, I.Com, B.A, B.Sc, B.Com now classified as ADA, ADSc, AD.Com without any extra charges. The College arranges parent teacher meetings to discuss the academic progress and problems of the students. By the Grace of Allah, the College has earned a good reputation of affordable institution.

Principal of Himayat-e-Islam Khawateen College

Our Principal Message

Mrs. Frahat un Nissa

“Success comes to those who work hard and stays with those who don’t rest on the laurels of the past.”

Education is not merely acquirement of facts but also of values which helps us to improve the different facts of mankind. It ensures that we leave the world a for better place than we arrived.

A pivotal role of education lies in shaping the personality of t student into a healthy mind and happy soul who is not only equipped with 21st century skills and aptitude required for academic excellence but to face the challenges of life in a balanced and harmonies way.

My staff is trained to groan the students into whole some member of society. Therefore, I laud my teacher for their relentless efforts. At the same time, it could exhort the students always to be modest, humbles and disciplined while being ready to expand the horizons of their knowledge and skills by dreaming being working hard,

I pray HIKC play it vital role in the lives of these young students in their splendid journey of life marching ahead towards the new year with staunch principals dispelling illusions and ignorance by promoting acquisition of knowledge among masses; we are unfurling the HIKC flag with dignity and pride.


Mrs. Farhat-un-Nissa (Principal HIKC College) (1)

Our Vision

To prepare a generation of students who Are exposed to a broad Spectrum of knowledge and experimentation thus Nurturing in them traits Like critical thinking, analytical skill, positive Attitude and Effective communication.

Our Mission

To play the role of catalyst in making the young females a balanced and empowered individuals having their core strengths embedded in the learning experiences emanating from our diverse socio-cultural roots.

Celebrating The Achievements

The success of our college lies in our commitment to academic excellence.


Student Enroll

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Scholarship Holder

0 M+

Education Outcomes


Awards won

Opening Schedule

A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradise


The search for eternal youth has to be a human imagination since times accident the search for eternal .

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Join us at Himayat-e-Islam Khawateen College and embark on a journey of academic and personal growth.

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About Us

Anjuman Himayat-i-Islam, the oldest N.G.O in Subcontinent was established in 1884. We are proud to say that Anjuman played a vital role in the movement for Pakistan.

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Contact Us

Anjuman Himayat-i-Islam 119-Multan Road, Lahore, Pakistan


We take this opportunity to introduce that Anjuman Himayat-i-Islam the oldest N.G.O in Pakistan was established in 1884.